
[ Sweet Sorghum, Bioenergy, Bioenergy Assuranance, Development, Southern Africa: ]

Selected Reports (or links) for downloading:

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SCOPE Symposium on Finance, food and energy crises: the consequences for the environment and land use change

HGCA Work on UK Assurance for Biofuels (bioethanol):

UK Low Carbon Vehicles Partnership work on Assurance:

Partners for Africa - Tanzania Policy Dialog Meeting - 22nd to 24th June 2005: Jeremy Woods notes, programme and links to presentations. Also: www.partners4africa.org

IEA Task 40 (BioTrade) Business Forum Meeting; FAO, October 29 2004, Rome. Also: www.fairbiotrade.org

Links to Publications:

Woods, J., Hemstock, S.L., and Burnyeat, J. Bio-energy systems at the community level in the South Pacific: impacts & monitoring. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 11 (2):461-492, 2006.

[note other reports are available on the Journal's web site via springeronline.com]

Woods, J., Brown, G., and Rosillo-Calle, F. The Opportunities for Reducing GHG Emissions through the capture of Carbon Dioxide during the Production of Bioethanol: 'Pumping Carbon from the Atmosphere'. Eds.: Punter, G. Peterborough, UK: British Sugar Ltd.; ICEPT. 1, 2005.

Woods,J., Gross,R., and Leach,M. Innovation in the renewable heat sector in the UK: markets, opportunities and barriers. London, UK: Department for Trade and Industry (DTI). Pp:1-12, 2004. http://www.dti.gov.uk/energy/renewables/policy/renewables_innovation_review.shtml

ICEPT and E4TECH. The UK Innovation Systems for New and Renewable Energy Technologies: Photovoltaics Sub-Sector Review (J.Woods). London, UK: Dept. Trade and Industry (DTI). Pp:1-140, 2003. URL as for Woods, Gross and Leach above.

Woods J. and Bauen A. Technology Status Review and Carbon Abatement Potential of Renewable Transport Fuels (RTF) in the UK. DTI; B/U2/00785/REP URN 03/982. Pp:1-150, 2003.

Bauen A, Woods J., and Hailes R. Bioelectricity Vision: achieving 15% of electricity from Biomass in OECD countries by 2020. Brussels, Belgium: WWF.  2003.


Woods,J., Rosillo-Calle,F., and Hemstock,S.L. A Master Development Plan for the Biomass Resources of 6 South Pacific Island Nations. Biomass Resource Assessment Project.  Matakiviti,A. (ed.) Suva, Fiji: SOPAC (South Pacific Geoscience Commission). Pp:1-12, 2003.


Woods J., and Hall D.O. BIOENERGY FOR DEVELOPMENT: Environmental & Technical Dimensions. Rome, Italy: UN-FAO. 1994.

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